The Five Minute Rule goes like this... if you leave me a topic somewhere in my comments, I'll write on it off the top of my head for five minutes. It might be funny or it might be crap! Most of the blogs here are from the 5 minute rule. I'll give ya credit for the post idea, I guess. Hey, spin the wheel, take a chance.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Love and Babies

This is three minutes of my time.

Topic 1 - Love
Some people say love is like a ocean. You know, because its vast and seems endless. Sort of like the song, Endless Love. Sort of like that, but not really. I say love is more like a pool. An above ground pool like you had growing up because your parents wouldn’t spend the real money on an in-ground one. They pretended that your backyard was too rocky to get one, but really you were just poor or your parents were really cheap. Love is like this because there is only so much water a pool can take before it bursts. Like, you can only love someone for so long because you go completely nuts and need to get out. In this really good comparison, the pool is love and you are the water. At some point we all need to break free.

Topic 2 – Babies
Babies are little people. They don’t know how to talk yet and sometimes they think you aren’t there if you put your hands over your eyes. In this respect they are pretty stupid. They are stupid in other respects too… they don’t know that spitting up all over someone is not appropriate, or that screaming in a movie theater isn’t either. I should also add that parents are pretty stupid if they don’t realize that their baby is stupid and therefore cannot understand a movie. These parents are too cheap to spend four dollars an hour on a thirteen year old babysitter, apparently. The only thing that is really awesome about babies is that it is socially acceptable for them to wear one-piece outfits all the time (I’ve heard them called “onesies”). I guess if I had one wish, it would be that I could wear a onesie all the time. To hell with this “pants” and “shirt” nonsense. In closing, another thing that is stupid about babies is that they cannot do math at all.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Why I Haven't Blogged in a Month

or so.

Well I converted to scientology but have been trying to keep it on DL, Will Smith-style, naw mean? And they wouldn't let me blog until I had been completed audited. I'm creating new realities for people, people. NEW REALITITIESITIES. More real than anything you've experienced in your reality because I'm keeping it real, reality style. It's like, you are either in or you are out. There is no in between. Have you asked yourself if you really know what freedom is? I doubt you do. It's all about KSW. We are the authorities on getting people off drugs, we are the authorities on the mind, we are the authorities on improving conditions.

That's all I have to say.