The Five Minute Rule goes like this... if you leave me a topic somewhere in my comments, I'll write on it off the top of my head for five minutes. It might be funny or it might be crap! Most of the blogs here are from the 5 minute rule. I'll give ya credit for the post idea, I guess. Hey, spin the wheel, take a chance.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Meeting someone online

Look, at least when someone you have met in person before asks you out, you know they must find you somewhat attractive. After all, they've seen you. In person. And are now asking you out. The whole meeting someone online and then going on a date thing is just a hot mess because a photo tells nothing. A photo tells nothing of my fourth arm and 49th toe. A few emails tells nothing of how truly insane I am in person. And people never tell you what you really need to know in order to tell if you like them. Like, when you drove by those kids this morning, you thought briefly of stopping and offering them candy, didn't you? But you didn't do it, and that makes you a good person -- dateable. Normally when you meet someone from online, they are 200 years older and have eight hundred cats hanging from them. Because people lie, people. Another problem with the online thing is that something like 88 percent of people have no idea how to write a sentence. But they can probably speak. They might speak well. I'll never find out because they can't write a sentence. You know? In closing, I don't want to go out with someone who has never seen me before. Stalk me, then ask me out. That's all I am asking for. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made some good points there! LOL