The Five Minute Rule goes like this... if you leave me a topic somewhere in my comments, I'll write on it off the top of my head for five minutes. It might be funny or it might be crap! Most of the blogs here are from the 5 minute rule. I'll give ya credit for the post idea, I guess. Hey, spin the wheel, take a chance.

Monday, October 8, 2007

landlords are nerve-a-licious

And also funny.

So, someone puts an ad up on craigslist for an apartment, and includes pictures. Except, instead of putting up pictures of the apartment, the brilliant person puts up pictures of the view from the apartment, or local scenary. I loved the person who put up a pic of the UBS building in Stamford, like that is doing to draw me to the apartment. It's near the UBS building! Snap, I'm in, I don't care that it's 280 squarefoot studio that I'm renting for three grand a month. I don't even know how the apartment is related to the UBS building, but I don't care: there is a picture of the UBS building in the ad.

Also amusing is when people think I want to live in an apartment without a kitchen. Oh, the apartment has a great living room, great bathroom, great bedroom, but no kitchen. That will be 4 grand please. Oh, but it's ok because the sweet landlord will let me have a microwave, or perhaps a hot plate. Well that's freakin great, because as an adult, the only cooking I do involves a microwave. Who needs a fridge, I have a goddamn hot plate. What is this, an apartment, or prison? Is the toilet in the middle of the living room or what? What the heck?


Three Repute said...

i once looked at an apt with no closet or kitchen. makes you wonder.
speaking of wondering, id like to see an entry on your thoughts about yawning.

Anonymous said...

What gets me are the Ads that show the family pet sitting on the couch.

I for one don't want pet hair all through the place and WTF is the purpose of the pic the dog and the ugly floral couch staying?

Rob said...

5 minute rule topic: "House".

$20 says owner flooded/vomited/tried the Cinnamon Challenge the night before he posted ad.