The Five Minute Rule goes like this... if you leave me a topic somewhere in my comments, I'll write on it off the top of my head for five minutes. It might be funny or it might be crap! Most of the blogs here are from the 5 minute rule. I'll give ya credit for the post idea, I guess. Hey, spin the wheel, take a chance.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A rant, which only happens monthly or so

I am burnt the hell out on....

Judd Apatow.

Ugh, enough already with this guy!! I get it, he is funny! He makes films that couldn't get made 10 years ago! He features "regular-looking" people! They are improvise so they are funny in real life, too! Barf barf barf mcbarfy barf barf.

I am going to see and like Superbad, because it will be funny and I am in love with Michael Cera... even the name of my blog is a tribute to him. But the marketing around the movie is just overwhelming. I couldn't even watch Seinfeld the other night without Jonah Hill telling me I was watching Seinfeld, and oh yeah, he has a movie coming out called Superbad. Yeah, Jonah Hill? I didn't know that from your 20 million television appearances in the last month. And Judd Apatow, just the producer on the film, told me while he was haunting my dreams. In a speedo... why a speedo? Jesus christ. Apatow on Letterman now because he's the producer?? Really, we are living in a world where the power of Apatow sells a film? That's gross. Get him out of my face.

So here's the kicker, the thing that really threw me into QUITE the tizzy ... a "roundtable" interview in EW featuring Apatow, Seth Rogen, Cera and Hill. I think Cera and Hill said three things... why would they have to when Apatow is in the house?? The rest of it was, of course, Apatow and Rogen going on and on about how funny they are, how great they are, and how fucking ugly they are. What are you waiting for, guys, drill the point home! Do they ever get sick of just saying the same shit over and over again?

So, what's next? Apatow is going to be on Regis and Kelly promoting films that he spent the day on the set of? Up next on Conan, Judd Apatow talks about a movie written by, produced by and starring people other than him, but he sorta liked it!

My budding hatred of Apatow is a shame, because I like his films. 40 Year Old Virgin was funnier than Knocked Up, yes, but Knocked Up was good. Paul Rudd had a better haircut in it than Virgin, ding ding ding, bonus points. So, I just hope that after this Superbad extravaganza ends, Apatow will retreat into some kind of cave for a few years. I'm not saying I want a dragon to be in the cave, too, but I'm not not saying it....

1 comment:

aaron said...

dude, i'm w/ you on this. i wanted to see superbad, and probably will, but i went to the other day and was accosted by an ad where jonah hill straight-up demands that i go see it. if there's one way to get me to hate you and whatever product you have to sell, it's to make an ad that will blare out of my speakers and scare the crap out of me. so for that reason alone i decided to bittorrent the thing.

i haven't seen the 40-year-old virgin but i did see knocked up and, yeah, it was funny, but it was hard for me to buy the premise. apatow's schtick is wearing thin (geeky, middle-class man-boy triumphs in the end) and it's getting a little old seeing his name everywhere. he's like the tarnatino of comedy. pretty soon movies will have "judd apatow presents," "judd apatow approved" and "judd apatow's vague presuppositions of (insert movie title here)".

at least we have zach braff-- he'll save film yet.